Health Tips

Today, I am going to share few of the very interesting articles on New year health tips for everyone. While i was surfing online for the best new year health tips for the coming year 2015, I could see few articles that makes me to publish on my health

tips blog so that people would be benefitted from reading and following those tips. Health Tips for a New Year 2015 20 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year's Resolutions Once we have put some thought into our vision for the future, and set

goals that are based on health rather than perfectionism, then the following simple steps can help you develop and maintain the resolve to achieve your goals. 1. Be realistic. 2. Aim for self-improvement and learning. 3. Line your goals up with your

priorities. 4. Set a realistic time frame for change. 5. Focus on self-care and nurturance through the change. 6. Develop your patience. 7. Be honest with yourself - change requires commitment. 8. Look for ways to reduce stress, as it will undermine

your discipline and your health. 9. Be prepared to try something new. 10. Be prepared to learn from your mistakes. 11. Celebrate the small steps. 12. Be curious and open to the learning. 13. Look for balance in life. 14. Stay focused. 15. Use self-care

and self-reflection to help you accomplish your goals. 16. Look for others who share your goals, and support each other. 17. Have 'safe' people who will encourage you during your highs and lows. 18. Take actions to commit to good decision making. 19. Be non-defensive and open to examining poor decision making. 20. Have some fun along the

way - joy can fuel positive change. Top 10 Healthiest New Year's Resolutions New Year’s resolutions are a bit like babies: They’re fun to make but extremely difficult to maintain. Read more Top 10 Healthiest New Year's Resolutions 15 health

tips for the new year Year after year we make resolutions to exercise regularly, eat well, and give up smoking and other bad habits. Following such basic rules can cut heart disease risk by 80 percent, diabetes risk by 90 percent and cancer risk by

50 percent, according to the Harvard Nurses' Health Study. Read more 15 health tips for the new year 9 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions Want to downsize your figure? Start downsizing your dishes. Studies show using smaller plates and bowls

promote weight loss because they help to curb overeating. Read more 9 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions 8 Tips for Making and Keeping Healthy New Year's Resolutions If you are the type of person who makes but never keeps New Year's

resolutions, these suggestions can help you make healthy -- and attainable -- goals this year. 1. Don't abandon the idea of setting resolutions because you have broken them in the past. You may need to simply readjust the type and number of goals

you're setting for yourself. 2. Do be realistic. A resolution to run a marathon by year's end is likely unrealistic for an inexperienced exerciser. Likewise, resolving to stop all your unhealthy habits at once is likely to fail. Pick a safe, attainable

goal with a realistic time frame. For example, if your resolution is to eat healthier, begin by eliminating one unhealthy food from your diet at a time, not all unhealthy foods. Read more 8 Tips for Making and Keeping Healthy New Year's

Resolutions 5 Diet Resolutions for New Year Are you making bold resolutions on January 1 to "eat right" -- whatever that means? Stop trying to overhaul your entire diet in a day! Resolve to think small and you can reach any diet goal -- one

focused step at a time. Why not start with these simple tips? Read more 5 Diet Resolutions for New Year 10 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolution Chances are at some time in your life you’ve made a New Year’s resolution — and then broken it. This year, stop the cycle of resolving to make change and then not following through.

If your resolution is to take better care of yourself and get healthy, you will have a much better year if your resolution sticks. Here are 10 tips to help you get started. 1. Be Realistic The surest way to fall short of your goal is to make your goal unattainable.

For instance, resolving to NEVER eat your favorite food again is setting you up to fail. Instead, strive for a goal that is attainable, such as avoiding it more often than you do now. 2. Plan Ahead Don’t make your resolution on New Year’s Eve. If you

wait until the last minute, it will be based on your mindset that particular day. Instead, it should be planned well before December 31 arrives. 3. Outline Your Plan Decide how you will deal with the temptation to skip that exercise class or have that

piece of cake. This could include calling on a friend for help, practicing positive thinking and self-talk, or reminding yourself how your “bad” will affect your goal. 4. Make a “Pros” and “Cons” List It may help to see a list of items on paper to keep

your motivation strong. Develop this list over time, and ask others to contribute to it. Keep your list with you and refer to it when you need help keeping your resolve. 5. Talk About It Don’t keep your resolution a secret. Tell friends and family

members who will be there to support your resolve to change yourself for the better or improve your health. The best-case scenario is to find a buddy who shares your New Year’s resolution and motivate each other. 6. Reward Yourself This doesn’t mean

that you can eat an entire box of chocolates if your resolution is to eat a better diet. Instead, celebrate your success by treating yourself to something you enjoy that doesn’t contradict your resolution. If you have been sticking to your promise to eat better,

for example, reward yourself with new fitness clothing or by going to a movie with a friend. 7. Track Your Progress Keep track of each small success. Short-term goals are easier to keep, and each small accomplishment will help keep you motivated.

Instead of focusing on losing 30 pounds, focus on losing the first five. Keep a food journal to help you stay on track, and reward yourself for each five pounds lost. 8. Don’t Beat Yourself Up Obsessing over the occasional slip won’t help

you achieve your goal. Do the best you can each day, and take one day at a time. 9. Stick to It Experts say it takes about 21 days for a new activity to become a habit and six months for it to become part of your personality. It won’t happen overnight, so

be persistent and patient! 10. Keep Trying If you have totally run out of steam when it comes to keeping your resolution by mid-February, don’t despair. Start over again! Recommit yourself for 24 hours. You can do anything for 24 hours. The

24-hour increments will soon build on each other and, before you know it, you will be back on track. Read more 10 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolution 10 Better-for-You New Year’s Resolutions Making a New Year’s resolution this

year? If it’s to lose those pesky 10 pounds—for the sixth year in a row—why not consider making a new, more doable resolution with equally big health payoffs? Take your pick of these 10 attainable resolutions that you can actually tackle this year.

Read more 10 Better-for-You New Year’s Resolutions 100 Ways to Start Your Year Off Light Healthy Tips for the New Year With the new year comes new expectations and goals, often accompanied by the fear of falling off the resolutions wagon by

month’s end. Make this year different. Put aside over-blown resolutions and commit to making small changes all year to make this year your lightest

ever. The benefits: Lose weight, put a bounce in your step, get some calm in the kitchen, and become a healthier you without feeling deprived. Read more 100 Ways to Start Your Year Off Light

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